In our view, solution development is a collaborative effort beyond a customer-supplier relationship. We work with customers and partners in problem solving; provide guidance to the design and implementation process of co-creating the solution and the business value outcomes. This open approach allows the stakeholders to deal properly with the dynamics of the innovation processes.
Business enhancement solution
To significantly improve the performance of their business operations on the short term, we provide organizations with a business enhancement solution. Existing service lines including the associated business processes are analyzed and redesigned in implement incremental innovations. The main benefits include better user experience, efficiency gains, cost advantage, quality improvement.
Platform solution
While in the past the concept of platform was known in the business-to-business market with technology firms collaborating to develop new technologies, the business-to-consumer market has increasingly experienced its adoption. The fast development of digital technologies has enabled the growth of the concept of platform as a new way to collaborate to reach a broader group of consumer. However, platform developers do not always have all the capabilities or resources to design, develop and deploy the systems. Our solution focuses on providing complementary design and implementation capabilities to platform developers and users.
Disruptive solution
Breakthrough in technology development generally leads to disruptive business innovation solutions that radically transforms our way of working and living. Throughout the years, disruptive technologies have led to major business innovations in the various sectors including communications and information technology, healthcare and life science, automotive, energy, consumer electronics and government for example. Disruptive business innovations pose unique design and implementation challenges because there is no reference and the business model is yet to develop. We bring strong design thinking, scenario analysis and proof of concept skills to support the development and deployment of disruptive business innovation solutions.
- Governance and cultural awareness
- Digital service & product portfolio development
- Operating model and business process redesign
- Digital organization capability development
- Performance management throughout the transformation