Utrecht University Learning Agreement: A Guide for Students

If you`re planning to study at Utrecht University as an international student, you`ll need to make sure you have a Utrecht University Learning Agreement in place. This document outlines the courses you plan to take and ensures that your credits will transfer back to your home university.

What is a Learning Agreement?

A Learning Agreement is a document that outlines the courses you plan to take while studying abroad and ensures that these courses are recognized and transferable at your home university. This agreement is signed by you, your home university, and Utrecht University.

Why is a Learning Agreement important?

A Learning Agreement is important because it helps ensure that you earn credit for the courses you take while studying abroad. Without a Learning Agreement, there is no guarantee that your credits will transfer back to your home institution.

How to create a Utrecht University Learning Agreement

1. Contact your home university`s study abroad office to begin the process of creating a Learning Agreement.

2. Review the courses offered at Utrecht University that are relevant to your degree program.

3. Discuss your course selections with your academic advisor at your home institution to ensure that the courses you choose will fulfill your degree requirements.

4. Fill out the Utrecht University Learning Agreement form, which can typically be found on the university`s website. Make sure to include your personal information, program, proposed courses, and any other required information.

5. Submit the completed Learning Agreement to both your home institution and Utrecht University for approval and signatures.

Tips for creating a successful Learning Agreement

1. Start the process early. It can take several weeks or even months to create a successful Learning Agreement, so make sure to begin the process well in advance of your study abroad program start date.

2. Research Utrecht University`s course offerings. Make sure that the courses you choose are relevant to your degree program and will transfer back to your home institution.

3. Get advice from your academic advisor. Make sure that the courses you choose will fulfill your degree requirements and work with your academic advisor to ensure that you can stay on track for graduation.

4. Communicate with both your home institution and Utrecht University. Make sure that everyone is on the same page and that all necessary signatures are obtained.

In conclusion, a Utrecht University Learning Agreement is a crucial part of studying abroad at this institution. By following these steps and tips, you can create a successful Learning Agreement and ensure that your credits transfer back to your home institution. Happy studying!